But, hey, I’m also fully aware that casinos represent Indian freedom and Indian assimilation at the same time. Are you wondering how an Indian could possibly support any part of capitalism? Well, think casino. Give me a far-reaching social safety net and robust economic competition.
I’m cool with certain tenets of Marxism and capitalism. Yes, I believe in group rights and individualism. I’m a progressive Democrat with socialist and Classical Liberal beliefs. And those aggrieved Indians are usually urban and have spent too much time hanging with white leftist college graduates. It’s only a certain type of elite Indian who objects to being called an Indian. Yes, an “Indian” powwow held by an “Indian” foundation, which provides further proof that everyday Indians routinely refer to ourselves as Indians. Last night, Diane and I went to the Seafair Indian Days Powwow, which is organized by the United Tribes of All Indians Foundation.